Eco-Export Areca Blog

Zero km sustainable food

Being and living in an eco-friendly and a sustainable way is much easier than you imagine. The thing is we just need to think a bit. We want to introduce a great way to be eco-friendly and sustainable. On the way be great as well…

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Five reasons to switch to Areca leaf sustainable plates

Making the switch to eco-friendly plates is a major way to reduce your carbon footprint. By doing this, you minimize greenhouse gas emissions. But not all the eco-friendly plates are sustainable. Eco-friendly is a term used to describe something that is not dangerous to the…

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Eco-friendly and sustainable thinking when consuming food

Consumers need to think in an eco-friendly and sustainable way these days. If in the past we could have bought things based on quality and price, now we can not. Well, we can, but it might be bad for our environment. We need to adopt an eco-friendly…

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The 5 R’s pyramid to know and follow

Areca leaf plates are a sustainable product. It is therefore biodegradable and compostable and indeed follows the sustainable checklist. If you use a sustainable product such as Areca leaf tableware you for sure are following the 5 R’s guide  (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle),or managing…

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Eco-friendly plates and your food on them

In general On any plate food is served. On your wedding day, in parties, in business events, in any family gathering, at school and basically anywhere. We prefer that the plates we use will be elegant, durable and comfortable to use. This principle of course…

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Sustainable and eco friendly weddings

Your wedding can be the day of your life and weddings are remembered for a lifetime. It is your special day and every small detail is for sure important for you. Now we shall see how to make it a sustainable day as well. Make…

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